The COPIOR (Committee of Professors in OR) list of journals ranks journals publishing in the field of Operational Research & Management Science (ORMS). Recognizing that ORMS is a broad field contributing across management, engineering and mathematical science, it aims to replace previous lists, especially the ABS list, with one that is more inclusive and which has been more rigorously produced. The purpose is to provide individual researchers, research administrators, Deans and university managers with guidance as to the ‘modal’ quality of journals in the field, based on the judgements of UK OR professors. In producing this list we recognize that many of the journals publish papers of a higher quality than the modal rank would suggest, and also of course many that are lower. It is the case that all journal rankings – when used as proxies for the quality of individual papers - have a significant probability of mis-classifying paper quality.
The list was adopted at the May 2011 COPIOR meeting on the recommendation of the Journal List subcommittee. COPIOR does not accept responsibility for any use that third parties may make of this list.
The COPIOR Journal List can be downloaded here.